Friday 17 June 2016

Who are the faces behind the online image @ UCF?


Hi There:)

Richard Pace

Name:  Richard Pace
Sex: Male
Age: 40ish
Place of birth:  England
Job:  Blacksmith,  Mains Water Leakage Detection Technician
Pets Name:  Bully Cat
Partner:  Lizzie
Children:  Only other peoples – you can give ‘um back:)
Favourite Sport:  Rallying
Childhood Hero:  Hannu Mikkola & Dimi Mavropoulos
Teenage Crush:  Michele Mouton
Hobbies:  Apart from blacksmithing;  reading historical fact and fiction, visiting historical sites and visiting art galleries
What animal would you be and why:  I would like to say Tiger, the strong silent type  but others may disagree!
What is UCF to you:  Blacksmithing - I love it!  My dream job.  UCF   gives me the opportunity to keep this ancient craft alive and bring to the attention of others.  I find it very therapeutic and want others benefit from this as well.

Lizzie Hughes

Name: Lizzie
Sex: Female
Age: 42
Place of birth: Bangor
Job: Lots
Pets Name: Bully Cat
Partner: Don’t be nosy
Children: Definitely not
Favourite Sport: Knurr and Spell
Childhood Hero: I didn’t really have one
Teenage Crush: Or one of these (I’m not very good at this)
Hobbies: Knitting, sewing and metal bashing
What animal would be and why: A tapir. They’re well cool.
What is UCF to you: An opportunity to pass on my skills to others.

Mike Daligan
Name:  Mike
Gender:  Male
Age:  73
Place of Birth:  Surrey Docks
Job:  Writer, Motivational Speaker, Coach and Community
Development Consultant
Pet Name:  None
Partner:  Yes
Children:  Yes
Favourite Sport:  Running
Childhood Hero:  None
Teenage Crush:  Some girl whose name I can’t remember
Hobbies:  Celebrating being alive
What animal would you be & why:  I already am an animal
What is UCF to you:  A worthwhile organisation that needs to succeed.

Ian Lowe
Name:  Ian S. Lowe
Sex: if you mean gender I’m male
Age: 41
Place of birth: Pontefract (where they make liquorice cakes)
Job: Volunteer Blacksmith
Pets Name: No pets
Partner: No partner
Children: No children
Favourite Sport: Don’t have one
Childhood Hero: Didn’t have any hero’s
Teenage Crush: Terri Hatcher (the Superman years especially)
Hobbies: None – I’m a blacksmithing geek!
What animal would be and why: Wolf. It’s on my family’s coat of arms
What is UCF to you: The chance to show people the skills that originally built our society.  How learning any of those skills can show what is or is not impossible